Thursday, November 27, 2008

My first series...

Hello!  So last week we presented our first series in class.  I decided to do mine on musicians that I know.   I love photographing people and concerts but for this series I wanted to show a side of musicians that is a little softer.  Music is a way to connect with people and it can be big and loud and fun but it's also meditative and healing.  These artists are loving music for so many reasons and I wanted to present that time where they're just doing it for themselves, when it's all about them and their instrument. 


AmandaO said...

Holy Photography, Batman! Heidi updated her blog!

I love the series! My favorite shot is the dude on the bed playing guitar. There is something so awesome about that gives me a really good vibe. It does show a different side to that musician. That shot in particular is very clean, simple and un-concert-like, but you still managed to convey a sense of music in the piece.

Great composition in the series overall. You really have quite the eye for composition...which is something a lot of people have trouble with.

Yay Heidi!!!


Unknown said...

Hey Heidi - great work. I love your compositions and angles. Especially the guitar dude on the bed (LOVE the negative space), and the trumpet player (again, great use of negative space and squishing the subject to the side of the frame... and I love the dop in that photo too.)

all I can say is WOW. I'm glad I get to see these images even though the CI room door is always closed during class! ;)

Unknown said...

ha! Right after I posted my comment I read Amanda's... and realized I echoed a lot of the same things she said! I don't know why I called him a dude. I think he just looks like a dude if Amanda called him a dude too. :) and yes: you heard it twice: good composition!

Sara said...

Heidi I loved your series! Especially the "dude" (lol) playing guitar on the bed. Jay looks so peaceful and i just love how bright the photo is. Wooooo, good job.